Photo by Thought Catalog
Even though I enjoyed creative writing and poetry in secondary school and university, I never invested time or energy into deepening my writing skills. I didn’t think of myself as someone who had any talent for writing, and in fact, my dominant areas of interest were in the visual arts and psychology. Guided Autobiography was something that I stumbled upon while researching creativity in older adulthood; most particularly the human drive to generate a personal legacy and impart wisdom to future generations through storytelling and artistic creations.
As I started writing my own life stories I was surprised by the person who stood up inside of me. It wasn’t the quality of my writing that struck me but the way my words began weaving together and enlivening aspects of myself that had been cast aside, half forgotten or meticulously packed away. The theme-based Guided Autobiography assignments helped me to focus and tell stories about experiences that I probably would not have otherwise explored. I began harvesting memories that were ripe and ready to be shared. Some of my writing scratched at old hurts but as I put them down on paper the sting lessened, the feeling tone shifted and new insights began to surface. I was able to honour my struggles, celebrate my victories, drop judgements and make peace with old transgressors. The liberating and cathartic release of my writing was exhilarating as was the discovery of each hidden gem I unearthed from the vaults of my memory.
The GAB group experience was like nothing I had ever experienced. There was something magical about being held in the supportive and compassionate gaze of others while sharing stories of triumph and failure, of love and loss and of being unapologetically human. The meaningful engagement, mutual sharing and respect we felt within the group grew into a sense of camaraderie and genuine care.
I feel that I have gained lifetimes of wisdom by absorbing the details of other people's journeys. The stories that I have heard highlight how wonderfully unique yet amazingly similar we all are. Our personal experiences differ and might reach out in wildly divergent directions yet at the core of our beings is an unmistakable longing to be accepted, connected, fulfilled and free from suffering. I imagined the group as a living bouquet- each one of us a distinct variety of flower but a flower all the same.
GAB also provided me with a rich learning environment that touched on topics like: writing craft, neuroscience, theories of creativity and human development. As a self-proclaimed lifelong learner I thoroughly enjoyed participating in discussions fuelled by curiosity and alive with insight. I felt like I had struck gold as the whole GAB experience of learning, connecting, creating and sharing touched me on so many levels and catalyzed a real sense of growth and transformation. As a GAB facilitator I feel privileged to be leading this amazing process and holding space for others to share from their hearts, record their stories and create legacies that they can be proud of.