Are you feeling overwhelmed, a sense of loss or physically and mentally depleted? For some people depression includes all of the above and sometimes even more. But everyone is unique and that means that the symptoms of depression will vary from person to person.
If you are struggling with depression, you are definitely not alone. In fact, depression is a widespread issue that affects people worldwide. Depression can be very serious especially when it interferes with daily functioning, leaving you feeling overwhelmed, hopeless or stuck. If this feels like you, depression counselling can be the thing that turns things around for you.
For some people depression is caused by:
- a genetic vulnerability
- an environmental factor
- a particular life situations or circumstance
- chronic pain or stress
- social isolation
- sleep issues
- abuse or neglect
- poverty/ financial issues
- relationship issues
- nutritional deficiencies
- faulty thought patterns
How to Recognize Depression
Everyone feels unhappy, sad or down every now and then but depression is more than that. In fact, clinical depression can last for an extended period of time and really interfere with everyday life. Depression is not just a state of mind but can impact energy levels and your enjoyment of daily activities. Sometimes symptoms can also be expressed through your body in the form of aches and pains, nausea, numbness and low energy.
For some women, depressive symptoms can be caused by Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD) that occurs about one week before menstruation and tends to subside after menstruation. Another common cause of depression is Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) which tends to start in late fall or early winter and disappear in the spring.
Depression should also not be confused with a normal response to loss. Sadness and grief are normal after the loss of a loved one, pet, job, physical injury or illness, among other losses. But if your symptoms go on for a long time, get in touch to find out how depression counselling can help you.
Some symptoms of depression include:
- feeling empty or numb
- difficulty concentrating
- decreased interest or pleasure in activities
- fatigue or energy loss
- aches and pains
- feeling worthless or guilty
- low self-esteem, low self-worth
- recurrent thoughts of death or suicide
If you are experiencing these symptoms, it is a good sign that you can benefit from depression counselling. Depression can be hard to manage without extra support. Counselling for depression can help you create clarity, understanding and an actionable plan so you can move forward with confidence.